
Waiting for a Second Chance

The Rescued Treasures Clothing Ministry serves the needs of people experiencing homelessness and financial hardship. Here, we take donated clothing and other textiles, and sort, fold, organize, and hang them for guests who come in looking for assistance.   

In 2019, both the facilities and the program began a transformation process. In addition to a complete building makeover and thorough program renovation, the daily operations are now under the capable care of Chrissy Ehrlich, our Rescued Treasures Coordinator. Chrissy began as a volunteer at the Mission in early 2021 and started as an official employee a few months later. 

Chrissy Ehrlich, Rescued Treasures Coordinator

“The Mission is such a great environment to work in,” says Chrissy, “because it’s full of faith and hope. From the minute I began working here, I felt welcomed, accepted, and encouraged.” Chrissy’s heart to serve others and her seven years of experience working at a local thrift shop are a blessing to the Mission and our guests.

“At Rescued Treasures we take in mostly used clothing,” Chrissy continues. “These items are seen as unwanted and undesirable, yet we treat them with care. We fold them and hang them carefully onto shelves and racks, waiting for shoppers to see their worth and give them a second chance. Our shoppers value and appreciate these items, and many times the ‘new’ clothing they receive helps them change their lives. For example, a new outfit can help a guest look their best for a job interview or a court appearance.” 

But our guest shoppers are not the only lives being changed through Rescued Treasures. The men from the Changed Life Recovery Program help with various tasks such as unloading trucks and donation bins, processing clothing, and moving items around in the building. “The men at first seem worn and discouraged. They can feel locked into a certain persona and discouraged about their future,” say Chrissy. “But as they spend more time in this ministry and experience the chance to give to others, they develop a new sense of purpose. It’s beautiful and heartwarming to watch them realize their worth and potential outside of addiction.” 

Chrissy sees Rescued Treasures as the “perfect metaphor” for our goal at the Mission. Frederick Rescue Mission seeks to rescue lives from poverty, homelessness and chemical dependency and to meet the needs of hurting and broken people while inviting them into the abundant life Christ offers to all. “Second chances” are always available with God. Food, shelter, clothing, and recovery help can change lives now, as God works to change hearts for eternity. 



Rescued Treasures

Rescuing from Poverty: The Best of the Best

You are helping Brittany make a better life for herself and her autistic son. Just a few years ago, they were living in a shelter in New York City, and now they share a three-bedroom apartment in Frederick. 

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Carol Switzer
Rescued Treasures Coordinator

Carol empowers the volunteers in Rescued Treasures. Together, they provide clothing people need for themselves and their families. Carol also runs Crossed Bridges with her husband Jonathan. She enjoys playing any sport with a ball, crocheting, bike riding, and spending time with her husband and five children. 

“He who loves God must love his brother also.” (1 John 4:21) explains what wakes Carol up in the morning to begin a new day; being able to serve the Lord while working with people, whether it be administratively or relationally. She loves hearing the testimonies of how Jesus has changed people’s lives, especially because He’s done so much for her!