Faith House consists of two employment-focused programs that include housing and a safe place for women and women with children. These programs provide opportunities for residents to heal from trauma while developing the skills necessary to secure & maintain employment, establish housing goals, and build a life of resiliency.
The Thriving Futures Program is the necessary foundation for residents sheltered in the shared living “main house.” Single women bunk together, while women with children have a room specifically for their families. Here they can finally rest, assess their needs, and begin working toward obtaining safe, suitable housing.
The Transitional Living Program is a one-year program in our below-market-rate apartment building. Again, single women room together, while women with children are in a unit together. Here residents expand upon the groundwork begun, increasing their focus on employment and building self-sufficiency.
Faith House Purpose:
- Housing
- Employment
- Resiliency
What can you expect when you first move into Faith House?
Faith House: Oasis of Healing
She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.
Proverbs 31:25
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Safe in His arms
We strive to help our guests find a safe place to call home, however, Faith House is more than a house. Faith House offers a safe place for healing from trauma, therapeutic conversations to increase resiliency skills, support for those in recovery, and opportunities for building financial literacy to support self-sufficiency.
Healing. Promise. Hope.
The women we work with often feel lost, broken, hopeless. They seek us because they want to improve their own lives, as well as the lives of their children.
Team members work one-on-one with our guest residents to guide them through important conversations, life skills and parenting classes, recovery support, nightly devotions, and resources to make valuable community connections. Most importantly, we introduce our guests to Jesus Christ and help them cultivate a relationship with Him as part of their path forward.
For more information, please call 301.695.6633 ext. 230.
If this is an emergency, please dial 911. Women in crisis can call 211 to find the nearest behavioral walk-in clinic.
Support Faith House
Items such as clothing and shoes may be dropped off at the Mission’s main campus – please inform the front office that your donation is for the women and children of Faith House. Our current needs list can be found here.
For you have been my refuge, a place of safety when I am in distress.
Psalm 59:16b
Yes, you can designate your gift to Faith House. Click here and select “Faith House” in the dropdown menu.
The 90-day emergency shelter can house up to 12 women and 8 children, depending on family size.
The Transitional Living Program apartments can house up to 19 women and 16 children, depending on family size.
Generally, children range in age from infants through age 10.
For consideration for acceptance to Faith House, a woman must meet these basic criteria*:
- Be 18 years of age or officially emancipated
- Be drug, alcohol and controlled-substance free
- Be employable and able to work at least 32 hours a week
- Have no open warrants and is not a registered sex-offender
- Children are aged ten or under
*Admission is on a case-by-case basis and is at the discretion of the Director. We encourage all interested candidates to submit an application.
We recognize that every woman who enters the Faith House has some type of trauma in her background. Our first focus is healing. We start with the foundation of Celebrate Recovery principles to help her address her hurts, habits, and hang-ups, as well as support those who are in recovery from substance use disorder. We also use other resources such as Trauma Reboot, Battlefield of the Mind, Safe People, Keys to Freedom, and for moms the parenting book, Your Journey Together.
We believe that Jesus brings freedom, and thus each woman is presented with the opportunity to know Him through our programs that are based on Christian principles. However, faith in Jesus Christ is not required for program participation.
No. However, we support those who are already in recovery 90+ days. Faith House offers an individualized support plan to assist in ongoing recovery.
Women come to Faith House for a wide variety of reasons. They can come out of domestic violence, dysfunctional families, chronic illness, substance use disorder, and/or mental health concerns. However, all have experienced trauma in their past.
Faith House is not a same-day admission, short-term, emergency shelter.
If you were someone else you know need immediate shelter please reach out to the Religious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs to inquire about their overnight shelter and family shelter.
For admission to the Faith House, please review our admission criteria here.
Faith House is currently operating on an extensive waitlist. Admission is not first come first served, but is based on need. In addition, we are able to admit women and women with children as appropriate rooms become available.
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