Time is one of the greatest gifts a person can give. The Mission could not serve our community without dedicated volunteers who believe in the work we’re doing.
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in your power to act.
Proverbs 3:27
If you would like to support the Mission, please visit our Giving or Current Needs pages.
In this section

Volunteer with us
Getting started is easy and fast:
- First, create an account on our website.
- Next, schedule your one-hour orientation which includes a tour of the Mission. To do so, log in using your username and password and select the orientation that works for your schedule.
- Once the onboarding process is complete, you will receive an email inviting you to view the schedule and select when and where you’d like to serve. Please allow up to 3 business days for processing.
Ways to serve
Sample Volunteer Opportunities:
- Prep breakfast or lunch with our kitchen staff
- Serve breakfast or lunch in our dining hall
- Pack food bags in our Food Distribution Center
- Hand out groceries during Food Distribution hours
- Sort and hang clothing in Rescued Treasures
- Help guests shop in Rescued Treasures
- Administrative support
New volunteers must attend an orientation before they are approved to serve in specific departments. (If a family is serving together, only one adult from the family unit is required to attend).
Individuals must be 12+ years old to volunteer and accompanied by an adult if under 18. Volunteers in the Food Distribution Center must be at least 16 years old.
Questions? Please email Carolyn Chandler or call 301-695-6633 x221.
She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.
Group Volunteer
We love GROUPS! Please visit our Groups page to get started. Groups are considered five or more people that are not the same family.
Those looking to complete court-ordered community service hours for the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office, please email us.
Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith.
Galatians 6:10
For security reasons, you must be a registered volunteer – and on the schedule – to serve. To become a volunteer, simply create an account, sign up for orientation, and we’ll get you plugged in!
All volunteers must be at least 12 years old to serve—no exceptions. All minors (ages 12-17) must be accompanied by an adult every time they serve. If you have a younger group, there are many options for them to get involved from home. For more information or ideas, contact our Volunteer Manager at 301-695-6633 x221, or email.
Yes, first-time guest volunteers are permitted with pre-approval from the Volunteer Manager. Should that individual wish to return, he or she will create their own volunteer profile and complete the standard volunteer onboarding process.
The Mission has two types of “group” volunteers:
- Regularly scheduled groups (i.e. servers every 1st Saturday of the month for breakfast)
- One-time or sporadic groups, who fill in when we have openings or needs in the schedule.
To get your group on the serving with us, please fill out the group application online.
The Mission works with volunteers to verify hours on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us for more information.
Sample Volunteer Opportunities include:
- Prep breakfast or lunch with our kitchen staff
- Serve breakfast or lunch in our dining hall
- Pack food bags in our Food Distribution Center
- Hand out groceries during Food Distribution houses
- Sort and hang clothing in Rescued Treasures
- Help guests shop in Rescued Treasures
- Administrative support
A full list of opportunities and the schedule are detailed on our volunteer website.
First, thank you for your willingness to share your gift of time. Getting started is quick and easy. All our volunteers are required to create an account on our online volunteer system, attend a one-hour orientation that includes a Mission tour, and pass a background check before serving at the Mission. Create an account now and sign up for an open orientation to get started!
The Mission does have weekend service opportunities and occasional evening shifts. To see available shifts, please check our volunteer website.
Yes. We would love to have you serve in your area of expertise to those in need. Please state on your volunteer application what skills you can offer and if you’d like to use these at the Mission. To become a volunteer, simply create an account and sign up for orientation. You must also pass a background check.
Not at all. We welcome volunteers from all faith backgrounds! We do ask that our volunteers adhere to our policies and guidelines and do not promote any ideologies that do not align with our statement of faith.
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