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Living a New Life and Staying the Course

We recently sat down with Jeff Oertly, who graduated from the Changed Life Recovery Program in May of 2018. Jeff is living proof of God’s power and faithfulness, and because of the hope he found in Christ he continues to follow Him each day. You’ll be encouraged to find out how God has worked in Jeff’s life since we spoke with him in early 2020 (you can read that interview in the February 2020 Newsletter on our website, here: 

What does it mean to you that hope is on the way? 

“Hope is on the way means that something better is coming, whether it be a situation or something I’ve asked God for. There have even been times when I didn’t even know what I needed and hope just showed up!” 

Why is hope important to us? 

“Because without hope we are stuck. Without hope we have no way of getting out.” 

How has hope been realized for you? 

“When I left here and started my new life, I had no clue how it was going to go. But I just had complete hope – I knew 100% that it was going to be great. The things I have achieved and the relationships that I have with my family have all been given to me by God and through hard work. I just went through each day determined to keep walking forward, knowing good things were going to happen. And it’s true – great things, amazing things – have happened for me!” 

CLRP Graduate Jeff Oertly

How has your life changed since we last spoke with you in February of 2020?

“I learned a new trade! I am now a licensed gas fitter in the State of Maryland. It blew me away that I could learn a trade when I never believed I could learn anything. Now that I earn decent money, I am able to take care of my daughter and myself, and live within my means. I have everything I need, and a whole lot more besides. And this is 100% God at work in my life.  

I also now have two grandkids, one 18 months and another 3 months old. It’s wonderful to show my oldest daughter how God has redeemed my life, since she was growing up in the midst of my addiction and she saw it all. I’m so thankful that God has given me the opportunity for reconciliation, and she often comments about this, too. 

I started a handyman business last year serving seniors, widows, and people who need things done at their house but can afford it. God has blessed me with so much work, and I am able to work for myself making more than I did before. And I have plenty of time to start getting involved in the community where I recently purchased a house.  

There is a lot of addiction in the area. I know what it looks like, and I believe God wants me to get involved. God freed me from 27 years of addiction. No one is quite so amazed by this as those who are currently caught up in it. They know how hard it is. If I can only help one person by walking with them through their addiction and into recovery and a relationship with Christ, that would be good enough for me.  

Any final thoughts? 

“I once had no hope, and now I am changed. I used to try to understand it but now I don’t. I’m just grateful. Because I have seen this miracle in my life, I know without a doubt that nothing is impossible with God.” 

Please continue to pray for Jeff and the other men and women who have come to the CLRP and Faith House, and are continuing to pursue new lives free from addiction, homelessness, and other struggles. 



Carol Switzer
Rescued Treasures Coordinator

Carol empowers the volunteers in Rescued Treasures. Together, they provide clothing people need for themselves and their families. Carol also runs Crossed Bridges with her husband Jonathan. She enjoys playing any sport with a ball, crocheting, bike riding, and spending time with her husband and five children. 

“He who loves God must love his brother also.” (1 John 4:21) explains what wakes Carol up in the morning to begin a new day; being able to serve the Lord while working with people, whether it be administratively or relationally. She loves hearing the testimonies of how Jesus has changed people’s lives, especially because He’s done so much for her!