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Letter From the Executive Director

Overcoming addiction is complicated. It is more than breaking a bad habit or getting some bad genes and fighting the never-ending struggle. There is no slam dunk method to end addiction. There are some common factors that do make a difference in overcoming addiction.

The Twelve Steps model has been an effective way to defeat addiction. A key is admitting you are no longer able to manage your life and you need something bigger than yourself. Turning everything over to God is the essence of the model. There are a lot of other factors such as being aware of the physiological vulnerabilities of substance abuse, avoiding self-medicating stress and trauma, and not being captive to one’s upbringing.

It is important to deal with these, but the core is realizing you need the all-powerful help found only in Jesus.

In the Mission’s Changed Life Recovery Program, our purpose is to go beyond sobriety to see lives changed now and for eternity. Every life has a story, especially at the Mission. We are grateful that our Redeemer lives and writes a new story of hope and purpose for those who repent and believe on Him.


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