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Little Hearts and Hands to the Rescue

Caroline and the Big Little Toy Drive  

Caroline with her mom on delivery day!

On the first day of her family’s Christmas Countdown Calendar, Caroline’s assigned activity was to find three books to donate to kids in need. Not only did she find three for herself, she also found three on behalf of her little brother. “Before I knew it, she had books and toys and stuffed animals,” says her mom. “She had decided she wanted to make it much bigger and help kids and families that couldn’t afford gifts.”   
In fact, Caroline’s vision had grown to supplying gift bags for 18 kids that included a book, a toy, and a stuffed animal. With the help of her kindergarten classmates, families and teachers, items began pouring in! Caroline’s mom and little brother helped gather the donations three times each week and they all looked forward to assembling the gift bags.  
Caroline personally supervised the bags, carefully curating the com bination of items (as only a child can do, of course!). But there was a big surprise for them when they were done. “Instead of 18 bags, we made 90!” recalls Caroline’s mom. The whole family delivered the bags to the Mission just before Christmas. There were so many that they filled the bed and back seat of their pickup truck!   
We were so encouraged by Caroline’s joy in helping her neighbors in need so generously and enthusiastically! Thank you, Caroline, for making Christmas morning special for so many children.   


Olivia and the Save the Day Club  

Terri Gray with Olivia and club members

As Olivia began to understand the mounting needs of her community due to the impact of the COVID pandemic, she wanted to do something to help. Moved by compassion for others, she gathered a small group of friends and created the Save the Day Club. Now, Olivia, Caroline, Lauren, and Sofia were ready to get to work!   

This little club of likeminded friends started brainstorming about what they could do for the community. They began with a simple trash pickup in their neighborhood. When Olivia’s mom told her about the Mission’s Faith House program, which provides shelter, hope, and healing for women and children experiencing homelessness, she and her friends were excited to help. They immediately launched into action, collecting approximately 10 bags of clothes and one large box of specific items needed for Faith House.     

The Save the Day Club delivered their items to the Mission and met Terri Gray and Meg Yoho, who shared important information about the Faith House program with them. The girls listened eagerly and were pleased to learn more about women and children in need. Olivia’s mom writes, “The idea for this club was ALL my daughter’s; however, as her mom I am hoping to encourage her and really get her feeling like her efforts are worth it!”     

Olivia, your efforts are definitely worth it – thank you for your kindness! May God bless you as you continue to serve our neighbors in need.  




53rd Annual Fundraising Banquet

On this beautiful night, faithful partners of the Mission will gather to reflect on God’s goodness and share in our vision for the coming year. Your support will help to sustain the critical services to our neighbors in need so we can rise up to overcome poverty, addiction and hunger for years to come.

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Carol Switzer
Rescued Treasures Coordinator

Carol empowers the volunteers in Rescued Treasures. Together, they provide clothing people need for themselves and their families. Carol also runs Crossed Bridges with her husband Jonathan. She enjoys playing any sport with a ball, crocheting, bike riding, and spending time with her husband and five children. 

“He who loves God must love his brother also.” (1 John 4:21) explains what wakes Carol up in the morning to begin a new day; being able to serve the Lord while working with people, whether it be administratively or relationally. She loves hearing the testimonies of how Jesus has changed people’s lives, especially because He’s done so much for her!