
Elliot Friedman & The Steak Guys

Elliot Friedman volunteers in the Changed Life Recovery Program. For over five years now, he and a small group of men cook a NY strip dinner for the residents and staff on the third Saturday of every month. “They not only bring and cook steaks,” says CLRP Director Carlton Hill, “but they also cook a whole meal. They bring real cutlery, nice plates, and dessert. When dinner is ready, they eat with the guys while enjoying fellowship and watching TV.” 

CLRP Case Manager Jake Sexton recalls how meaningful these dinners were to him years ago, when he was a resident in the program. “I remember the impact that Elliot and his group had on us as residents,” he says. “It didn’t matter how the house was doing that day – when it was the third Saturday of the month, morale was up because we knew who was coming that evening and we looked forward to the feast we were about to receive. Our nickname for them was The Steak Guys!” 

“It really is the volunteers that make the Changed Life Recovery Program a very special, unique recovery program,” observes Carlton. “It’s a place where the true love of Jesus is on display.” This love is displayed daily through the many volunteers who choose to support CLRP residents through hosting outings, teaching a class, cooking a meal, and more.  

Elliot’s commitment to the men in the program reaches beyond service hours, however. At his recent retirement luncheon, Lockheed Martin presented him with a check for Frederick Rescue Mission in his honor. The total donation amount is over $5,000! We are so grateful for this generous contribution to the program, and for the men and women who, like Elliot, pour love into the lives of others. They are a powerful example of how we can change lives now and for eternity. 



Rescued Treasures

Rescuing from Poverty: The Best of the Best

You are helping Brittany make a better life for herself and her autistic son. Just a few years ago, they were living in a shelter in New York City, and now they share a three-bedroom apartment in Frederick. 

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Carol Switzer
Rescued Treasures Coordinator

Carol empowers the volunteers in Rescued Treasures. Together, they provide clothing people need for themselves and their families. Carol also runs Crossed Bridges with her husband Jonathan. She enjoys playing any sport with a ball, crocheting, bike riding, and spending time with her husband and five children. 

“He who loves God must love his brother also.” (1 John 4:21) explains what wakes Carol up in the morning to begin a new day; being able to serve the Lord while working with people, whether it be administratively or relationally. She loves hearing the testimonies of how Jesus has changed people’s lives, especially because He’s done so much for her!